I'm a trans software engineer. My pronouns are she/her or it/its, whichever you feel most comfortable using. I live in beautiful, sunny Seattle, Washington. You might know me from work, my very silly hobbies, or from some of the other creative side projects I do from time to time. Over the past few months, I've been volunteering as an archivist for the Connections Museum, preserving and organizing their library's unique collection of telecommunications history. For about two years, I ran the legos.digital minecraft server! I love good design, philately, trains, and protected bike lanes.
📧 hallo (at) claire (dot) jetztAbout the Colors
This website makes liberal use of my favorite PANTONE colors, ● 108 C and ● Violet C.†‡ I love to use vibrant color wherever I can, and these two colors have represented me across the internet for quite a while now. I love how warm and full of sunlight this particular yellow is, and yes, it makes a great accent wall.
Note on the Type
This website is typeset in Inter, an experimental and open-source typeface created in 2016 by Rasmus Andersson. Inter was designed specifically for computer-screens, with the intent of crafting highly-readable user interfaces. It's a beautifully clear but subtle typeface that departs from the all-encompassing use of Helvetica. Perhaps you recognize it?